Business meeting with the representatives of Tashkent hotels
On November 14, during of the 25th Tashkent International Tourism Fair "The Great Silk Road", a business meeting was held with representatives of hotels in Tashkent and the regions. The Hoteliers Association of Uzbekistan and the Academy of Hospitality of Uzbekistan have initiated the meeting.
The event was opened by the presentation of a young Association with indicators of achievement in less than a year of existence.
Along with the information support of market participants and the establishment of a dialogue between them and government officials, the Association intends to facilitate segmentation of the hotel business market in the country. The main areas of work and problems of the hospitality sector in the country were told by the chairman of the Hoteliers Association of Uzbekistan - Ablullaeva F.A. She noted that over the past few years the hotel market in the country has changed : new hotels appeared, including chain hotels; introduced new standards for evaluating stardom. But the question of communication - both personal, between hoteliers, and formal, with authority - stood even sharper than before.
Primarily, the Association combines hoteliers for the exchange of information and solutions to pressing issues. The Association consisting of experienced and successful employees who know the processes and problems of the industry from the inside.
"With the advent of the Association, hoteliers began to receive information what is happening in the industry in time. It is important to find out immediately information about the entry into force of new laws and by-laws. There are not many hotel portals in our country where legal information would be appear. It's not easy for a hotelier to find such data and most importantly, a hotelier doesn't have time for this. The Association is currently working on a question with banks on the implementation of the "Acquiring" system, added F. Abdullayeva.
Expert participants have spoke whose experience will help hotel owners improve the quality of guest services. A special response and heated discussion was caused by the speech of the representative of the Academy of Hospitality of Uzbekistan. She noted that improving the quality of service is fundamental in the field of hospitality, and that this should be emphasized in the first place.
We thank for all the participants in our meeting. We look forward to further cooperation.